Friday, December 24, 2010


ini adalah tag curi dari PAYUNG PINK,
beliau kata,
yes it was caps-locked.
i've read,
then i've been tagged too right?

1.Put your music library on shuffle.
2.For each question, press next button to get your answer.
3.You must write the song title as the answer to the question, no matter how silly it sounds! Most of the time they seem to work though, strangely enough.
5.The answer to #20 is the Title of your note.

1.If someone says "Is this okay?" you say
>> THE CALL. (oh agaknya nak cakap dalam talipon je kot. malu cakap festufes)

2.How would you describe yourself?
>> PUTIHNYA LUKISAN. (ye saya memang innesen =.=)

3.What do you like in a guy/girl?
>> DANGEROUS AND SWEET. (seksual gila bunyik diaaaa)

4.How do you feel today?
>> HANYUT. (memang selalu oh oh oh)

5.What is your life's purpose?
>> HASBI RABBII. (alhamdulillahhhhh.. tak sangka mak nokkk.)

6.What's your motto?
>> SO LONG. (walaupon aku pendekk saje.)

7.What do your friends think of you?
>> MY BABY YOU. (wah? wah? wah?)

8.What do you think of your parents?
>> DOA PAGI. (mak bapak aku tak jumpa pagi2. tak logik ni.)

9.What do you think about very often?
>> BENCINTA. (yela nak benci tapi dah terjatuh cinta=bencinta la kan?)   

10.What is 2 + 2 ?
>> SANG MANTAN. (aku dah hampir gila dah ni.)

11.What do you think of your best friend(s)?
>> EVERYTHING I DO I DO IT FOR YOU. (kalau dapat komisen aku akan buat macam ni.)

12.What do you think of the person you like?
>> HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE?. (wah best gila gaban kalau dapat tau :D )

13.What is your life story?
>> KERNA KAMU. (ye, sebab kau aku jadi macam gini.sila take note.)

14.What do you want to be when you grow up?
>> KENAPA. (kenapa nak tau?)

15.What do you think when you see the person you like?
>> IF YOU COME BACK. (and tell me that you like me too. peliss pelisss.)

16.What will you dance to at your wedding?
>> IN THE END. (terkejot berokk opocott tok kadi.)

17.What will they play at your funeral?
>> KAU AKU. (ha? kenapa pulak?? nak ikot same masok lobangg??)

18.What is your biggest fear?
>> SUARA. (suara malaikat izzrail maa robbukaaa tu memang so much fear!)

19.What is your biggest secret?
>> BATU & GOLEK. (eh mana pernah tergolek tersadung batu?? pitnahh!!)

20.What will you post this as?
>> WHAT CAN I DO. (ape nak buat, dah rule kau macam ni. what can i do???)

*hanya repekan semata mata. tapi ada kena mengena dengan yang hidup sebenarnya*

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